Risk factors of Kidney Cancer

Risk factors of Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is a lethal disease. There are certain risk factors for kidney cancer. More specifically, a risk factor is something that increases the probability of developing a disease. So, in this article, we will talk about some of the risk factors of kidney cancer.

High blood pressure
High blood pressure is one of the most common risk factors for kidney cancer. It is such a critical factor that it doesn’t seem to reduce even after a person takes treatment and medicines. One needs to make lifestyle changes and follow a healthy diet to lower blood pressure levels.

Overconsumption of certain medicines
Certain medications can put you at a high risk of getting kidney cancer. Analgesic pain killers and diuretics such as acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen have often been linked with kidney cancers. Painkillers that contained phenacetin have already been banned in the country since they had some connection with carcinoma cells, which was cancerous.

Kidney cancer is one of those kinds of cancer whose risk increases as a person starts to age. It is quite uncommon that a person under the age of 45 may get kidney cancer. Generally, the average age of patients of kidney cancer is 65.

People who have been on dialysis
While the objective of long term dialysis is to filter the blood of those who have malfunctioning kidneys using a machine, but it also increases their risk of attaining kidney cancer in the long run. More specifically, such people may develop cysts in their cancerous kidneys.

History of cancer in the family
If you have had a family history of renal cancer, you may develop kidney cancer shortly. The risk increases if you have had a brother or sister with renal cancer. The reason could either be shared genes or if people in your family have even been exposed to a cancerous environment. Certain genetic conditions can further increase the chances of attaining kidney cancer. These include –

  • Von Hippel-Lindau disease
    This is a condition where a genetic mutation can cause kidney tumors.
  • Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome
    It is a kind of skin disease which affects the kidneys.
  • Hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma
    This is a type of kidney cancer which is a genetic condition.

Cadmium exposure
This is related to an occupational hazard. People who work with paints, batteries, or welding materials may be at risk of being exposed to a metallic element called cadmium and, as such may further be at a higher risk of developing kidney cancer.

If you are exposed to any of the above risk factors and observe even the minute symptoms, it is always advisable to get in touch with your medical counselor as soon as possible. This would help in detecting kidney cancer at an early stage and you will be able to ascertain the right course of treatment.